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TV Show Accents

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In the comments Rafe made, it sounds like they’ll base the accents of a place based on the actors they cast. So the Carhienin will probably sound that very posh English that is Rosamund’s natural accent. 

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  • 1 month later...

So of the main characters,

Rand is Dutch

Perrin and Mat are English

Nynaeve is from New Zealand

Egwene is from Australia

I'm guessing two rivers will have an English accent? But who knows with this bunch though.

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Yeah. Wonder if they'll just let them have their natural accent and call it done. Sorta lazy if you ask me, but what do i know. Nothing, just like Jon fuckin Snow.

When do the first pop up, the Seanchan? Won't we have to wait a bit for them to appear?

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I mean the Seanchan first appear in the second book, when they try to invade Falme but then you don't see them again for a while. Tuon doesn't appear until maybe book 9, so we would have a while before there is a main Seanchan presence in the series.

Unless they change bits around of course.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Also very true. plus when they do tv, they can jump around and show different parts of the world instead of just focusing on like, the "main" story that books do, ya know? so yeah, they could have them plotting for awhile just to bring them in sooner.

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  • 1 month later...

It would really annoy me if they made new characters up. There are literally thousands, new ones would be so stupid. 

Im okay with them combining characters, I feel like that’s bound to happen given there are so many. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

And again, since i didn't read GoT, I can't saw how that was for those characters, but I mean, they usually have to change stuff from book to show. So yeah I can can see it not being a bad thing, so long as they don't like, completely change the character(s) drastically for this.

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