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Wheel of Time Cast

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I love your website, your passion and beautiful talents.
Searching for fantasy novel fans on the internet, I found your name, and wanted to share some ideas of mine with you.
I believe you can direct movies someday, in fact I'm certain you will.

For your future Wheel of Time movies:
Giant Russian boxer Nikolai Valuev as the loveable Ogier Loial.  A favorite is the scene in Eye of the World where he and Rand have a talk in a library and the Dragon reborn shows him the love that endears Rand to us all:


A young David Carradine as Asmodean the forsaken:


Romy Schneider as Queen Morgase: 

Mario Patillo as Egwene:

Perhaps CGI versions of these actors when they were younger will do.  Maybe CGI will be so developed when you eventually make movies that they'll look no different from real people, and you can create the characters you imagined reading the novel, just as you visualized them.

Contemplating casting for a future Elenium series, the fantasy saga written by the mercurial David Eddings, these were some of the actors that arose in my thinking.
Vladimir Kulich as Sparhawk, the awesome Pandion Knight, man with a radiance to him that is more than just perceived invincibilty, some ineffable blue glow that's an emotional ambience he has, that his fans would imagine imbuing him that says there's far more to him than meets the eye:

Ralf Moeller as Ulath, Gendian Knight, questing companion of Sir Sparhawk, who said this of God: "It only stands to reason, though. God was a Genidian Knight before he decided to take the universe in hand. I'll bet you didn't know that, did you?"


Thank you for loving this world and these people, all your dreams about them will come true.

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