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forsaken survey

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Who is your favorite forsaken?


Oooh...that's a toughie, that is. Either Semi or Lanfear.

Who is your least favorite forsaken?


Balthamel. He was onscreen for about five seconds and only succeeded in dying. Tragic, really.


Witch forsaken would make the cutest couple?


Semi and Lanfear...all that hatred is just a cover. And really. Lanfear needs to get over Lews Therin. Its just getting pathetic now.


If the forsaken were animals what animals would they be?


Oooh...I'm not sure for all them, but Graendal a fox. She just screams vulpine.


Do you like the forsaken?


Oh yes. They're just such an interesting/sexy/wicked/brilliant (delete as applicable) lot. Much more interesting than the 'heros'.

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Who is your favorite forsaken?


Who is your least favorite forsaken?


Witch forsaken would make the cutest couple?


If the forsaken were animals what animals would they be?


Do you like the forsaken?






Demadred and Lanfear.


Most of them, snakes and worms. One or two might be a crow.


Yes, very much. The bad guys are almost always more interesting than the good ones.

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I agree, the bad guys are almost always more interesting. :D

Favorite forsaken is probably Semirhage; I love sadists, and love the masochistic twist Cerendrallion has given her ;)

Lanfear used to be my favorite, but she has gone downhill since being reborn: she used to be powerful and free-willed, now she is just another villain that's messed up in the head and obsessed with killing Rand (not that I'd try to stop her from doing that ;)).

As for animals, I think Semi is like one of the great cats; you know she is violent and would find killing you more interesting than chatting with you, but you can't help but long to go and touch her ^.^ Lanfear is like one of those butterflies that has strange markings on its wings to make predators think it is something else; we first meet her as Selene the 'damsel in distress' and then we learn that she is a Forsaken, then later we learn that she only pretends to be loyal to the Dark One and aspires to take over the world.

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*mildly shocked*


Maybe its a side effect of my insanity' date=' but generally I love the 'baddies'...[/quote']


Heck no, everyone loves the baddies. Forgive me for saying so, but Jan is just strange... o.O

We need to pull her out of her Lan-musings and subject her to some deliciously good evilness. (oxymoron?);)

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Okay, it's time to answer my own questions.


My favorite is Semirhage. She is my second favorite character. Her sadism realy makes her interesting.


My least favorite is Lanfear. She is a spoiled bitch! I hate her.


I think Semirhage and Ishamael would be cute together. I like Ishy. I like Asmodean more but he is a big wuss and probably wouldn't survive a relationship whit Semi.


Semi would be a panter and Demandred would be hawk. Asmo would be a hare. Graendal would be a magepie becaus they like shiny things.


I love the forsaken (specialy Semi)!

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Heck no' date=' everyone loves the baddies. Forgive me for saying so, but Jan is just strange... o.O

We need to pull her out of her Lan-musings and subject her to some deliciously good evilness. [/quote']


Excellent. Kidnap Jan and persuade her around to our way of thinking.


Sounds like a wonderfully neferious plan, if I do say so myself. ;)

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Excellent. Kidnap Jan and persuade her around to our way of thinking.


Sounds like a wonderfully neferious plan' date=' if I do say so myself. ;)[/quote']


No need to kidnap. Just bribe me with chocolate or money.

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I think Semirhage and Ishamael would be cute together. I like Ishy. I like Asmodean more but he is a big wuss and probably wouldn't survive a relationship whit Semi.



Um... Ishy might drive Semi nuts' date='right down with him. None of the other Forsaken have even the slightest liking for him. He's the only one with no notion of "ruling" under the Dark One. He's more for the unmaking of all things. Wouldn't it be a surprise if he suddenly betrayed the Dark One in the Last battle? He's nuts enough for it though.


My mummy says dat you people are polluting my mind. Waa!

(Kidding if you have no brian)

maybe Jan's mad because she's been around here so long. Madness is catching. I mean look at my class. Everyones mad. And I mean everyone...

We're the world's WoT loving cynical gettaway!

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