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Rules update

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I can't believe the old rules post is deleted...anyway! I stated I would announce any changes, thus I am announcing. Sigs can now be 500x150. 50 more pixels in height for you to glory in. I know I am. However, if you choose to use the full 500x150 for your banner, no extra text please. :o

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  • 5 months later...

OK, a few things have been changed.

  1. The letter limit has been lowered to three.
  2. Ten images can now be in a single post: this includes smilies. :P
  3. You now have sixty minutes to change the title of your thread (previously five minutes).
  4. You now have thirty minutes to add a poll to your thread (previously fifteen minutes).
  5. And the big one: No time limit on when you can edit your posts.


The reasons for these changes has more to do with the current member base. :o A lot of the rules and features were put in place to cut down on specific issues, that no longer play a problem.


I know a few of you will be happy to be able to edit your typos. ;P

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