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Who sent all those trollocs?

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I'm randomly rereading WoT books and picking up KoD have to wonder about all those hundred thousand trollocs that attack Rand and company*? I mean, do we ever find out which Forsaken/df sent them?


(the trolloc attack when he learned to use deathgates to kill shadowspan)

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Earlier in KoD when the Forsaken have their wine party, Moridin mentions that someone disguised as Sammael sent a bunch of Trollocs through the Ways with unknown orders, so I think these are the same that later attack Rand. It's from Aran'gar's PoV and he/she is not responsible but we do get the tidbit that Aran'gar has disguised him/herself as another Forsaken before.


I agree with Ekho, I think Demandred is most likely, though Graendal is possible too. Probably the Forsaken were butthurting over their failure at the Cleansing.

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I always thought it went something like this, Arangar sent the trollocs to attack Rand (hence the quote about how Moridin would be disappointed about al'Thor's death) which he/she wouldn't have known unless he/she sent them. Arangar thinks this in the last sentence of that chapter.


But Arangar also wasn't sure as to who would mimic Sammael. That always led me to think that huge force referenced in KoD shows up to attack the Seanchan at the start of TGS.

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