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I think everyone should write a fan fic that takes place

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right after Mat kills the rabbit.


and if you hate Thom, just have Thom or Mat reveal to Moiraine that Siuan is alive, and um... then she can miraculously appear and Moiraine can cancel the wedding.



Anyway, I want to read it. And I also want to write it but I'm not motivated enough.

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It's not needy. It's perfectly reasonable. Let's admit to ourselves that we aren't going to get it in the actual book. Maybe we'll get when they wake up and Grady meets them. I'll give that a 50/50 chance. But that's it.



So... ok, I'm totally needy. But anyone who's not needy about this is weird for being on this site :P. Everyone who's ever written a fanfic here should do it. And then I'll send you pretend cookies.

Edited by Deadsy
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Hmm. I will think about this, but I'd be a lot more motivated if you wrote a couple lines, deadsy! Yes, this is supreme laziness talking.


I've been procrastinating. I want to apply for the WoT scholarship too and haven't started.

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Thom looked up from his sewing. Moiraine was standing up on tiptoes on a tree stump while Thom kneeled below her. She was half covered in a tunic of tiny patches ripped from what was once his gleeman's cloak.


"Take off your pants. We need to make me pants from your pants." She smiled.


All Mat could think about was the funny way Moiraine said pants. Had she always pronounced it that way? This woman was a legend. It was like she was saying 'pahnhts' when Mat knew it was always pronounced 'pints'. In the Two Rivers anyway.


He blurted out, "I'm wearing pink smallclothes though."


Thom laughed.


"Oh, Mat." Moiraine looked sorry for him but held out her hand anyway. "Pants."

Edited by ~Romanda~
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