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Do you think Taringail looked like his father?

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Hard to tell, since all we know is that Moiraine took after the Damodred side and Galad seems to take after the Damodred side too. So either Taringail also looked like those two or else the Damodred-ness skipped Taringail. Taringail's other two kids take after their mom, which is kind of a relief as I'd be mildly disturbed if Rand was with a woman who had the same face as Moiraine. We don't even get any direct in-story references to "Moiraine as Elayne's aunt" though, so we're unlikely to get a "family resemblance" remark in the narration. Hell, Taringail doesn't even get screen time except that one scene where Gawyn has a flashback, so sadly this issue is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon.


I kinda hope he did look like his father. I like the idea of the Damodreds as this big clan of pale, dark-haired beauties. I remain firm that Anvaere and Innloine must also be total hotties like their baby sister. :smit:

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I'm of the mind the family resemblance (however small) between Moiraine/Elayne would be more evident if they matched in the hair/eye department. And height. People in general seem to get distracted by obvious differences and not pay attention to the cut of a lip or slant of a nose. But I don't want Gawyn (eh, forgot how to spell his name) to look like a Damodred at all because he is a sourpuss. And I know I hate Elayne but whatever.

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Good point. Hmm, wasn't there that time in TFoH when Elayne dyed her hair dark while they were hiding at the circus? Maybe Nynaeve should have noticed a resemblance then. Although, considering her hate-on for Moiraine at that point maybe it's lucky Elayne didn't look like her.

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