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Another topic about Moiraine offering to throw away the bracelet

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"Moiraine did not like that circle of carved age-dark ivory. At first glance it seemed to be an acrobat bending backwards to grip his ankles. Only a closer look would show that his wrists and ankles were bound together. She did not like it, but she had brought it out of Rhuidean. Yesterday she had taken the bracelet from a sack of odds-and-ends and left it lying there at the foot of the doorframe."



I don't think I'd want to have to wear an ugly bracelet all the time, especially one that reminded me of the worst days of my life. It'd be kind of like going through a really ugly, contentious divorce but being forced to keep wearing the wedding ring.

Edited by Deadsy
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WoT characters love torturing themselves with their bad memories. See Rand keeping that Seanchan spear as a scepter to remind him not to forget them (and no, he didn't just keep it as a reminder of igloo-loving with Avi xD), Lan forcing himself to look at his Malkieri ring every day to remind him of his oath against the Shadow, Moiraine keeping that stupid little ink bead to remind her to break rules, Amyrlin Siuan obsessively hoarding unimportant documents in secret before she's deposed, Nynaeve's scars on her palms after her Accepted test...


Besides, that bracelet can be seen as a trophy of the time she beat the Lanfear. ;) Just wiggle the bracelet in someone's face when they start doubting your awesomeness (not that Moiraine would ever be so unsubtle, of course :razz: ) And she didn't get to keep a trophy from Be'lal.

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"Moiraine did not like that circle of carved age-dark ivory. At first glance it seemed to be an acrobat bending backwards to grip his ankles. Only a closer look would show that his wrists and ankles were bound together. She did not like it, but she had brought it out of Rhuidean. Yesterday she had taken the bracelet from a sack of odds-and-ends and left it lying there at the foot of the doorframe."



I don't think I'd want to have to wear an ugly bracelet all the time, especially one that reminded me of the worst days of my life. It'd be kind of like going through a really ugly, contentious divorce but being forced to keep wearing the wedding ring.


she could maybe wrap it in some fabric?

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  • 7 months later...

My little insight on the matter is that there's a little symbolism about the bracelet. Namely, it was an acrobat/a man with his wrists bound to his feet, which symbolises torture, and in fact Lanfy did use it to torture Rand. And Moiraine saw it in the rings in Rhuidean and knew it was important. Alas, the bracelet is an angreal, which would let her use more Power than she did before. Offering to throw it away was a way of letting Thom know that she would do anything for him. I still think though the bracelet will play an important role after Moiraine did as much as using it as one of her wishes. And she better keep it well, because from her words, it seems she won't be able to channel more than Sorilea, which is even weaker than Suan. Her fellow Sisters will walk over her all they want, or maybe they won't, considering the fact that she killed two Forsaken..

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My little insight on the matter is that there's a little symbolism about the bracelet. Namely, it was an acrobat/a man with his wrists bound to his feet, which symbolises torture, and in fact Lanfy did use it to torture Rand. And Moiraine saw it in the rings in Rhuidean and knew it was important. Alas, the bracelet is an angreal, which would let her use more Power than she did before. Offering to throw it away was a way of letting Thom know that she would do anything for him. I still think though the bracelet will play an important role after Moiraine did as much as using it as one of her wishes. And she better keep it well, because from her words, it seems she won't be able to channel more than Sorilea, which is even weaker than Suan. Her fellow Sisters will walk over her all they want, or maybe they won't, considering the fact that she killed two Forsaken..

Yes. Moiraine hated that braclet but now she is stuck with it. Maybe she will see it as a symbol of her overcoming her torture.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i hope that the Tower changes how they rank people and act more like the Wise Ones. Moiraine shouldn't grow less in value just because she channels less now. :(


I absolutely agree with you, there are Sisters who did too much and that are weak in the Power. Moiraine, Suan, Daighian, Leane etc.


You're right, Erika Sedai, Moiraine did something many others wouldn't mentally survive. Keeping the bracelet will be like Egwene choosing Sylviana as a Keeper.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i hope that the Tower changes how they rank people and act more like the Wise Ones. Moiraine shouldn't grow less in value just because she channels less now. :(


I absolutely agree with you, there are Sisters who did too much and that are weak in the Power. Moiraine, Suan, Daighian, Leane etc.


You're right, Erika Sedai, Moiraine did something many others wouldn't mentally survive. Keeping the bracelet will be like Egwene choosing Sylviana as a Keeper.


Hmmm, I haven't thought of it that way: the bracelet being a symbol of strength.


Of course, she could always wrap it in fabric. Sanding it down probably isn't an option....

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