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If Moiraine had failed her Aes Sedai test

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As I said in another thread, I'm rereading New Spring and right before the testing Moiraine is all paranoid she's going to fail and calms herself by thinking that even if she doesn't become Aes Sedai she can still search for the boychild. A non-Aes Sedai finding the Dragon--and a woman kicked out at that--would not go down very well. It is very clear why Momo didn't pick the White Ajah. ;P

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Maybe she was thinking she'd find him young and raise him herself. Now that would have been odd. I don't see her as being maternal with him at all... more like an odd aunt. Actually, that's kind of what she is anyway!


Moiraine's Auntish skills are not so great. *looks at Elayne and Innloine's kids* ;P

Edited by ~Romanda~
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Maybe she was thinking she'd find him young and raise him herself. Now that would have been odd. I don't see her as being maternal with him at all... more like an odd aunt. Actually, that's kind of what she is anyway!


Ya... Moiraine would (and does) make a horrible aunt. I love her but the thought is scary. (Not as bad as having Cadsuane as an aunt though). She never lets loose and has fun. She'd probably be that older person you ended up appreciating more when you grew up.

Edited by Deadsy
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