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  2. Ekho

    Random XVI

    That sounds exciting! If you ever need a beta reader, give me a shout.
  3. It's a fantasy adventure, of course! I kind of miss the epic fantasy worlds I grew up reading about, and Sanderson sadly has been a miss for me. I just don't love his writing, and he is the big name people continually recommend me now. If had had to describe my own work, it is rather reconstructive of the elements that seem to have fallen out of vogue, everyone is a big fan of very cynical works since Game of Thrones as far as I have seen. I do have a bit of an anti-theist bent to it, though. It's very rough, but I am having fun with it.
  4. Ekho

    Random XVI

    What is your book about? That is exciting.
  5. This lovely lady left us back in 2021, but I found this photo on my Desktop and wanted to share her with all of you who might see her. And also the goober whippet.
  6. I'm well. Looking for a new job as I am tired of my career cul du sac. But nothing bad has happened in my life, so I honestly cannot complain. Oh! I am 39k words into my own attempt to write a book! That is exciting, as writing is a hobby I haven't really revisited much since I was a teenager. You know, back before the WoT series of completed.
  7. Ekho

    Random XVI

    Hello. How is everyone?
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