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Lanfear's Return

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I don't know what to make of her reappearance. Lanfear certainly never showed any loyalty to the dark one, but would she go crying to Rand when things got bad? I don't think so, she's still got her dignity Actually yeah she probably would.


But that in no way makes me think she was actually being genuine.

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I hope to read about Lanfear seeing Moiraine again. Awesome~


But, yeah, Lanfear is crazy and she is only loyal to herself. She might act all "oh save me!" but the minute she lays eyes on his three(!) girlfriends the evil crazy ex-girlfriend will come back out.


I would be very disappointed if she turned out to actually genuinely desire redemption. It would ring far too false.

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Even if she genuinely wanted redemption, she couldn't have it. She's done far too much, killed too many people and is too much a figure of fear for that. If anything, it would have to be a secret sacrifice of her life for Rand/Lews Therin, so he could save the world.


Oooh. I quite like that idea myself.

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But, yeah, Lanfear is crazy and she is only loyal to herself. She might act all "oh save me!" but the minute she lays eyes on his three(!) girlfriends the evil crazy ex-girlfriend will come back out.


Maybe she'll be all "Ehh...three wives is too freaky for me. I'm so moving on." and start selling real estate or something only slightly criminal like that.

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