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TV Series Starting Production!

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Yay! :sugar:

If its an amazon original then it should come free with Prime! I will also be extremely pissed if not. We don't like Red Eagle because they are the ones who came up with that horrible Billy Zane pilot episode as a desperate attempt to hold onto the rights for WoT when other companies wanted to buy them.

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Ookay. It wasn't too horrible. However, I can tell by reading the comments that it was for those that know the books. And Lews calling for his wife was a bit over done...

But, if Amazon does this right, it's gonna be awesome and fill the void of Game of Thrones. It has that large scale, in depth potential, and I think they can knock it out of the park and really get a lot of people hyped about it. They also need a sweet ass theme song like GoT...hah.

So, as horrible as that pilot is, it does make me even more excited for this!

Edited by Whitty
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I have been impressed with amazon series’ lately so I’ll be eternally optimistic. 

Besides if it’s terribel I can just pretend it never existed, like I have done with other shows in the past.

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