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TV Series Starting Production!

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hahah very true! But I feel like they'll knock it out of the park. And they won't have GoT to compete with. Maybe be compared to? But they're similar but very different. I just hope everyone else loves it. (because I'm gonna also be eternally optimist that it will be amazing)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very true. Hopefully it's not super cheesy. But plenty of movies/shows these days have been well done with magic, like Dr. Strange or Shadowhunters (random I know) But I think they'll find a way to make it look good without losing the believability and naturalness of it, if that makes sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m sure Rafe Judkins said he was inspired by the way magic was portrayed in Dr Strange so maybe that will influence it. 

But I agree, the fact that it’s only channellers of the same sex will make it difficult 

Edited by Ekho
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  • 2 weeks later...

Also true....we shall have to wait (forever) and see...I'm sure a lot of canon will be tossed aside, as most book-to-screen adaptations are...meh...though sometimes it's nice if it's done right because then you're not knowing exactly what's going to happen, even if you want the show/movie to be word for word, scene by scene lol

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