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Happy Birthday Marie

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The Gleeman's Wife


“These are no clothes for a gleeman,” Thom muttered as he buttoned the tight collar of his emerald blue tunic.


“But you have to wear it Dada, it's Marie's birthday party,” his young daughter's most serious voice said from behind. She had her mother's sneaky streak and he had not heard her enter the chamber.


Turning to face her, Thom noticed she had been dressed in similar blue shades and couldn't help smiling. “Oh, is it my dear wife, Moiraine?” He asked, mock-serious.


“Dada!” she giggled.


He could not get used to her missing front teeth and had to smile back. “You really have to stop fighting the other kids, sweetheart. Soon you won't be able to chew your food.”


“I'm not fighting the other kids,” she said, rolling her eyes, “my teeth fell out on their own. After I poked at them a bit.”


“A likely story,” Thom said severely. “But I have seen the mouths of your friends and they have had their teeth knocked out as well.”


“Dada, it happens to all grownup-kids,” she replied, her eyes narrowing the way her mother's did, signaling that he better take her word. “And don't think you can get out of wearing your clothes.”


“No, dear,” Thom said, faking a sad, resigned frown.


“It's important,” she went on a bit softer, trying to comfort her father. “Mom wears blue and I wear blue and if you don't wear blue, nobody will know you belong to us. And then you might be lost.”


“Can I have a hug?” Thom asked, pretending he needed comfort.


She smiled brightly and wrapped her arms around him. “But this is the last one...until tonight,” she said, trying to make it sound as if he was a big bother. But she did not let go of her father for a very long time. Hugging him was so comforting and she loved matching her breath to his so they became almost the same person.




Like his daughter's missing teeth, Moiraine's stomach was another thing Thom found surprising every time he saw her. She was huge again, looking as if she might explode at any moment and she walked gingerly as if it was a real risk.


“Thom,” Moiraine said as her eyes met his, doing the best to hide the need in her voice. But she had a burning feeling in her back that usually meant someone was watching her with a knowing smile on their lips.


“Moiraine,” Thom replied, slipping a supporting arm around his wife. She leaned against him gratefully and from the wetness that seeped through the fine fabric of his tunic, he could tell she had started lactating again.


“I'm leaking,” Moiraine sighed and did some half hearted attempt to channel but gave up with another sigh. “I need a foot rub. Where is our daughter?”


Thom looked around; she had been with him just a moment ago. The celebrations had been taken outdoors, to the gardens and a sea of guests, gleemen, and servants with food and wine.


“Thom?” Moiraine asked, looking around as well.


A small creature hidden underneath colorful fabric sprinted towards them. Happy, brown, and very familiar eyes peeked out from underneath.


“What is this?” Moiraine asked their daughter, her aches momentarily forgotten as she accepted the fabric, which clearly was for her.


“I traded it,” their daughter said brightly, “and don't worry, it's big enough to fit a horse so you'll be fine.”


Moiraine held the garment up. It did indeed look like it might fit a horse and was made up of patches, like Thom's old gleeman's cloak.


“This is for me?” Moiraine said a bit awkwardly, as if hoping it would be a mistake.


“Yes, put it on, mother,” their daughter said.


“Thank you, very much, but I'm not sure it would suit me very well,” Moiraine said hesitantly.


The little girl took a deep breath, turning visibly frustrated before opening her mouth. “But Dada can't really be a blue Aes Sedai, can he? Because men can't be Aes Sedai.”


“Well, except for Niklas Aes Sedai, but he is very special,” Moiraine said, trying to buy time to find a way out of accepting her daughter's peculiar dress advice in public.


“Anyway,” the girl went on, raising her voice, “girls can be gleemen...or women. So since Dada can't be an Aes Sedai, like you, you'll have to be a gleeman...or woman, like him. And we'll be a proper family.”


“You want me to become a gleeman?” Moiraine asked, struggling to keep her face straight.


“Yes,” their daughter said, smiling brightly. “Now put it on!”


Moiraine glanced around, wondering if people were looking. Thom was, of course, and he looked much too pleased for her liking.


“It would hide the stains,” Thom said, unable to hide his smile.


Moiraine looked down at her swollen breasts, and the soaked patches on her dress.


“Alright,” Moiraine finally said and with Thom's help wrapped the cloak around her. “But if I had known this was to be expected of me, I would have married Lan.”


"Hush, glee-wife," Thom said, leaning close.


“Don't kiss her!” their daughter shouted as Thom pressed his lips against Moiraine's. “Eww, stop that or I'll stop being a gleeman-family with you.”




So yeah, another Moiraine-suffers-from-her-pride-and-loves-it fiction! They are so much fun to write.

Edited by Vertex
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Stop falling dead in my threads! Or I'll sell you to necrophiliacs and make a fortune. :)


you can't sell me, i'm not your slave, nor are you even a master! you're a slave yourself! and stop writing/saying things that make need to faint!!

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