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Egwene's death. Seriously you guys, I cried so hard I gave myself a headache. Then I raced through the remaining 200-something pages to find out if it was a genuine death and not a cop out. I still dunno how to feel that is was real. It was so utterly unexpected for me. I didn't want Egwene to die! She had so much awesomeness left to mete out for hundreds of years as Best Amyrlin Ever and rebuilding the post-Armageddon world!


But if she had to die - which is still too raw for me to even consider forgiving yet! - I can't think of a better end for her. I mean, I know the Dragon was technically the one who Healed the Land and brought life back, but you guys, Egwene Healed the Pattern! Forget Traveling, that counter-balefire is definitely Egwene's greatest weave discovery. And I loved the name of the weave - the Flame of Tar Valon. Also loved how something set up waaay back in TGH - Eggy's strength with Earth - was used here for her to use that Talent to reach right through the Earth and into the Pattern. So awe-striking.


I don't know if my reaction to this scene can be described as "favorite", but it was certainly the one that impacted me the most.


I'm interested to see what others have to say about their faves! And I agree with Sam, Rand and Mat's little pissing contest was hilarious, as was Mat's final boast to win the argument. Can't argue with bringing Moiraine back, haha!

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@ Sam: Yes, Rand getting Moiraine tea was fab.


Page 811 U.S. version. I got teary-eyed:


It was about a woman with a secret, a hope for the future. A woman who had hunted the truth before others could. A woman who had given her life, then had it returned. That woman still fought.

I liked that part too. I wonder what "secret" of Moiraine this refers to. Unless it's the secret search for the Dragon Reborn, but the second sentence covers that, so...

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I can't get over the way the scene of Mo's return was written. It was somehow "Eh..." I expected more. It could have been my favorite, but I have to give it to Egwene's death. It took time to sink in, especially after she said goodbye to TAR. It made more sense in the way the Aiel refer to living - as dreaming. So, until she dreams again became until she is reborn.

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Huh, I thought I replied to this. Strange.


Anyway, Cadsuane becoming Amyrlin was great! I loved that scene. Oh man, how she was just like "that's awesome, go tell someone who cares" and then realized what was happening. I'm smiling just thinking about it again.


It's a little sad that's my favorite scene, but oh well.


I also really loved Rand and Moiraine's conversation in Lan's command tent when she made that line "You think very highly of my conversational abilities". But it also feels weird, almost like an acknowledgment of what readers (who don't hate her) would think of her convo skills.

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