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My Lanfear disappointment

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This is actually Moiraine related, specifically when Lanfear was trying to talk Perrin into helping her kill off Nynaeve and Moiraine.


It bugged me while reading and bugs me now how Lanfear didn't want to personally kill Moiraine then there out of vengence. This is not a women capable of "letting go" after all. Her and Moiraine went into Finnland vis–à–vis and it seems to me it would be hard to forget a face that caused the death of your physical death.


Then again, Lanfear is off her rocker and I shouldn't use logic with her. But it was still yet another disappointment in Memory of Light "reunions".

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Lanfear was blinded by the whole Power thing and saving the DO. Nynaeve was the stronger in the OP then and there, so she had to be removed first and more importantly. Imagine being in Lanfear's shoes - you have the chance to defeat your strongest enemy, earn your boss's approval and become Naeblis and all. Do you care for that woman who can barely channel?

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I suppose my problems is Lanfear always struck me as being so crazy as to not really care what the Dark One wants, but instead wanting to replace him herself. Which is stupid for a Forsaken, but I never said she was smart.


I get the logistics of going after Nynaeve first, I just wish she would have at least called Moiraine a name besides "short".

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  • 5 years later...

I just remember it annoying me a huge amount that Perrin was the one to kill Lanfear. I really didn’t think it fit with her overall story and always wondered if it was something Sanderson came up with. 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It was...odd the way it was done. So Mo came back, and couldn't channel very much, but because she still had the angreal she went through the doorway with, she could use that to be more powerful than she was before she went into the doorway. If that makes sense. I'm terrible at explaining things

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She’s still able to channel, but only a very small amount without the angreal. It is different from being stilled, because the snakes and foxes absorbed some of her power (I’m not sure how to describe it) which is why she can still channel but her ability is less 

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  • 1 month later...

I wasn't very happy with how Moiraine ended up weaker. 

I guess it's better than being dead like Siuan. 

Although Mo being willing to give up channeling entirely for Thom... Don't get me started. 

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