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Lan loves Nynaeve

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Or does he? I saw a huge thread on wotmania where one girl stated that Lan does not love Nynaeve (anymore) because of the snapping of the bond has left him dead inside. Also, he loved Moiraine more since he was willing to give up his lone war for her, but not Nynaeve. She also said Moiraine owned Lan in life and in "death".


Now, I'm not the biggest Nynaeve or Lan fan, and although I can see her point about Lan being dead inside, I don't agree with his loving Moiraine more and not loving Nynaeve. His love for Moiraine is different, not the love you have for a wife/lover. It's like comparing the love you have for two of your children or pets or something.


Instead of rambling anymore I shall allow you to comment. I'm kind like that.

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I think it's kind of ridiculous to assume Lan does not love Nynaeve. If he was so "dead", I think he wouldn't have married her in the first place! Yes, his relationship with Moiraine was different. And when they were bonded, they were fighting for the same cause. I don't think Lan ever factored in falling in love.


As for Moiraine owning Lan in life and death, when people you love die, some part of you does die with them. Sharing a bond for over 20 years must have brought them very close, not to mention what they were fighting for. I agree with the fact that he loves Nynaeve in a different way - in that, he loved Moiraine, but is in love with Nynaeve.


Regarding Lan being dead inside after the bond snapping, obviously, it's a great physical and emotional jolt, but I doubt it means he'll never recover from it and remain "dead" forever. If so, then the passing of the bond would mean nothing. It'd mean having a thoughtless machine as a Warder.


Am I rambling?!

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I totally agree with Jan here. He would not have married her at all, if he did not love her.


As for his being dead inside,... moiraine's death has had an effect on him and he will suffer from it for the rest of his life but I don't think he will mix it up with his love for nyn.


I never thought lan-moiraine had a thing going on,.... there was just a kinship born out of all that travelling and fighting together for the same cause.

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I never thought lan-moiraine had a thing going on

They never had a "thing" going on! I don't think anyone thinks that at all, and hasn't RJ made that pretty clear? You're right, it is a kinship formed out of living for the same cause, and that can cause some pretty intense relationships, with nothing necessarily romantic in them!

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Anyway, I can't really remember all of the points the girl listed for her argument. I can see how she got the idea, I just disagree with it.


As for Moiraine/Lan, I still find it strange and hard to believe they didn't have sex at least once, I mean come on! That's just not natural. But that is so off topic. :P

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Of course Lan loves Nynny... he's just broody. *nod* Not only was he that way before, but putting together the fact that he lost his Aes Sedai and a twenty year friendship put an awful strain on him. It's pretty obvious that he began caring for Nyn from the first book. Why would he have hesitated when Nyn and Mo were both in trouble at the Eye of the World if not?


The idea of Lan and Mo having had sex is a good one. It's hard to say if they would have actually done that, though. Two people alone in the woods still have themselves if they get... twitchy. :P

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