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[Split] Fashion meets WoT

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I think they may have several that look exactly the same. It is just in case they forget to change their dress for a couple of weeks. No one will know!


It seems like the Forsaken all wear only one or two things too! Lanfear seemed like she just had one dress that she wore when she wasn't pretending to be another somebody! I think Ishy lived in his stink, but Moridin has learned to be a little more neat...

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Haha Shadowspawn sewing clothes. :razz: What's next? The Dark One throwing a tupperware party for all his girlfriends?


D.O.: (with tiny, barking, curly-haired poodle tucked under his arm) Oh my god, I saw Demandred's ex-gf at the salon today, and she has gotten faaaaaat, I'm talking orca fat! And omg Moridin shaved his chest for me and gave me a brand new bracelet! *squeal* I love it!

Darkfriends: *squee with similar gossip*

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