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I'd be okay with either of those.

I think though, if they're smart, they'll get no name new actors so the expectations of them aren't linked to other projects, if that makes sense? Or people that haven't been in as much/aren't widely known.

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Hell, I'd do anything for a chance of oosquai.

Emily Blunt would be a great Siuan! I always like Claire Forlani for her as well. And I would say she was pretty: " She was nearly a hand taller than Moiraine and was pretty, if not quite beautif

Also I have new suggestions for Moiraine (I may be a member of a WoT casting group on facebook now cos y'know I'm still cool and all that😉) Janet Montgomery or Sarah Greene

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Yeah, I suspect they'll do the same as Game of Thrones, and have no name actors for the main parts. But they could have better known actors and actresses for smaller roles, to pad the cast out, like GoT did with Sean Bean! (I enjoy fan casting anyway even if some choices are unlikely 😂)

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I'm sure Rafe Judkins said in his Q&A that some Aes Sedai / forsaken may end up being meshed together, which I was unimpressed about 😑


I don't know how I would feel about a blonde Moiraine

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On 10/28/2018 at 9:36 AM, Whitty said:

:rage: how hard is it to keep shit the same, ffs?? I mean, obviously, it's pretty fucking hard. So annoying.

Haha, yeah clearly fucking difficult. They couldn't even keep stuff the same in Harry Potter, and that was signicantly shorter than WoT

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I hate when they change shit like that. I understand, grudgingly, that plots have to change and things of that nature. But hair and eye color?? I feel like those are basics that should not be change under any circumstance.

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Yes, like for example if a major plot point is that both the main character and his mother have green eyes, then that should be the case. The main character should not then have blue eyes, and his mother have brown eyes because it interferes with actual story lines *still bitter*



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Especially if the actor can't handle the contacts so they say "just have them have the same eyes." Except...they still weren't. that was literally mentioned like twice a book. Sorta really FUCKING important. *also still bitter, she said, CALMLY....LOL*

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