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[Split] A Memory of Light To Be Three Books

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Could women be police officers in the fifties? Because that'd be a nice way to squeeze Lan in there.


I'm actually in a lot of pain right now


Pain must be your muse, my friend. You've been even more hilarious than usual lately. I do hope you feel better soon, though! :)

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No, Moiraine would be the mysterious aunt who all the kids go to for answers, but we all know there is something shes not telling them.


yes, the aunt who never got married who is actually a hippy, heralding the era of the 60s. all the June Cleavers are very wary of her, but the kids like her because when they go to her house she does tarot cards for them.

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I hope the pain gets better soon, Tosh. :D


For some reason I picture younger women doing sewing circle stuff in the fifties and the knitting being something grannies did. The sewing would be more Mo/Siuan! They had men dressing up as women for laughs all the time then... maybe Lan has infiltrated the circle and is doing a very bad imitation of a fellow fifties girl and that is how they meet. :?


If Moiraine's also the aunt that never got married she needs to wear a pair of those cat glasses they made spinsters wear. You know the ones. :)

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Pain must be your muse, my friend. You've been even more hilarious than usual lately. I do hope you feel better soon, though!

I hope the pain gets better soon, Tosh.

I'm flattered and warmed by your kind words, if made slightly wary of future creative pursuits. :eek:

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