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Changed feelings for characters

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I've been here awhile. I can remember all the Siuan love that used to be here that has now dwindled.


So I thought I'd ask what characters have you changed your opinion on from the beginning of the series compared to now?

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I've been here awhile. I can remember all the Siuan love that used to be here that has now dwindled.


So I thought I'd ask what characters have you changed your opinion on from the beginning of the series compared to now?


Going to mention Siuan first. She was one of the most fascinating characters for me, books 2-6. I couldn't get enough of her. She was great as the Amyrlin. She was intimidating. She was extra awesome because of the mysteriousness about her relationship with Moiraine. I loved the insight into her character we got in Min's PoV at the start of TSR. That she didn't like all the pomp Leane forced on her. Then she got stilled, which is one of the best scenes of the series, and she was still bad ass. Their journey to Salidar was hilarious. Her healing was awesome. Siuan in those four books was just great. I still love her but her peak was reached several books ago. She hasn't done anything to make me like her any less. She just hasn't done anything better than in 2-6 (because it's probably impossible). That was long-winded :P



Perrin is the one that sticks out to me the most. He was great in book 4. But then... bad things started to happen. This is the line for me that started it. I actually wanted to strangle him again when I found it.


“Light! You send Mat off to face down Aes Sedai, you want to dump me into the middle of a war with Sammael and a few hundred Two Rivers men with me, some of them you know, and now you want to send Loial off when he’s only just arrived. Burn you, Rand, look at him! He needs rest. Is there anybody you won’t use? Maybe you want Faile to go hunt Moghedien or Semirhage. Light!”


Perrin's saying this to gd Dragon Reborn.. He plans on sacrificing himself to save every person in the entire world. And Perrin thinks he shouldn't ask people to help him? Rand has the right to ask anyone to take any risks, because he's offering his life. Why is it so awful to consider that Faile or Loial be willing to do the same?




Gawyn - I liked him books 1-3. I don't need to go into detail there, heh.


Nynaeve - She's pretty much gotten better with every book


The Red Ajah - improved from books 6 on

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I think Mat has steadily improved as a character, but that might just because Rand and Perrin have gotten increasingly worse as the series has continued.

I liked Egwene until she became the all powerful amyrlin that could do no wrong. The less said about that idiot Gawyn the better.

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Mat. Didn't pay attention to him in Books 1-2, but in 3-6 I thought he was fun to read. Book 7 is when my opinion of him started to drop off, and it's continued to fall since. He can still be badass and funny on occasion, but overall he seems annoying and jerkish to me. I've just never really been fond of the whole "lovable trickster-rogue" archetype.


Faile. I liked her spunky, dare I say bitchy, but brave personality in 3-4, but when she still hadn't grown out of her teenager-ish mentality by LoC, I wanted to slap her, especially her handling of the Berelain issue and treatment of Perrin. She just seemed to stay so childish, while I was expecting her to grow up. I think she did mature a lot during her captivity, so she's climbed up to "tolerable" for me, but I'm not that fond of her anymore.


Cadsuane. Good grief. Hated, hated her from her first appearance, but she has slowly climbed a little in my opinion, or at least become less irritating. I still don't like her, but she doesn't frustrate me like she did in ACoS.


So I thought I'd ask what characters have you changed your opinion on from the beginning of the series compared to now?

I'm interested in hearing who you've changed your opinion on. Do tell. :)

Edited for can't spell.

Edited by Olivia
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SIUAN. I loved her in New Spring-Fires of Heaven. LOVED HER. But now? Now it wouldn't take much for me to hate her. I can't stand the chick!


I've never been a Mat fan (well outside of catmwlt) but now I'm a convert. Same with Thom, actually: I didn't like him much until Knife of Dreams.


Cadsuane. :( I have loved her so much for so long but discovering she has cultivated her legendary status ruins the magic for me. She has been downgraded to a strong like. :(I actually liked her more than Moiraine for a bit


But my feelings for Romanda have only gotten stronger. Love that Yellow!

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Ishamael is still pretty good. Although all I ever expected out of him was batshit insane.


The other Forsaken, I agree with that sentiment all the way.


Siuan, she got less mature as the books went on, starting from her healing onward, methinks.


Faile, she was kind of awesome at first, but she didn't do much in the way of, well, making sense with half the things she did.


Mat, I actually like more now than I did then.


Perrin, I used to really like, but now he has on/off moments where I alternate between 'yay' and 'I wish I could strangle him'.


Rand, goes something like this. Liked. Disliked. Hated. Loathed. Hated. Disliked. Loathed some more. FREAKING JESUS SANTA RAND? AWESOME!

Edited by Sivart
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Siuan, she got less mature as the books went on, starting from her healing onward, methinks.


Faile, she was kind of awesome at first, but she didn't do much in the way of, well, making sense with half the things she did.


Mat, I actually like more now than I did then.


Perrin, I used to really like, but now he has on/off moments where I alternate between 'yay' and 'I wish I could strangle him'.


Rand, goes something like this. Liked. Disliked. Hated. Loathed. Hated. Disliked. Loathed some more. FREAKING JESUS SANTA RAND? AWESOME!


I agree with all the above and feel practically the same. I've always loved Mat, and continue to do so. Rand was a roller coaster, and is finally at the good point again AWESOME!


I could not agree more about Perrin. I skipped half his chapters in TOM.


Mat. Didn't pay attention to him in Books 1-2, but in 3-6 I thought he was fun to read. Book 7 is when my opinion of him started to drop off, and it's continued to fall since. He can still be badass and funny on occasion, but overall he seems annoying and jerkish to me. I've just never really been fond of the whole "lovable trickster-rogue" archetype.



I agree with you on my opinion of him declining somewhere between 7-11, I honestly don't remember where. But in TOM he's back up in my opinion of level of fun and enjoyment. I especially love how he explained "it's all about the boots", it's things like that how Mat views life that I also love him for. That and I've always loved the military genius type. As for jerkish...maybe...then again he has done a lot of saving people and favors for people. Like he lent those horses to the Aes Sedai. *Shrug*.

Edited by AshSnow
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  • 3 weeks later...

The Forsaken for me too. So disappointed in them.


I've always disliked Rand, but there were times I fondly disliked him, if that can even be a thing. Jesus Rand is boring.


My opinion of Mat has improved since the beginning. He wasn't very interesting to me books 1-3, and mildly annoying in some others. Now I look forward to his parts of the books. This may be because my opinions of the other characters have gone down?


Siuan. Like a lot of people I loved her NS-FoH or so. Now I actively dislike her. It borders on hatred.


Elaida. I never disliked her, but I enjoyed hating her for taking over the WT. She became greater and greater to me the more screwed up she was. Getting sent off to the Seanchan made me disappoint.


The Red Ajah. I didn't dislike them because there wasn't much to them at first. Now I love that they are more fully developed. Some of the Reds are my favorite Aes Sedai.

Edited by ~Romanda~
so hung over, so many edits
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