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6 minutes ago, Ekho said:

Do we think once the show starts, we'll end up with more members in the forum?

I think at least more random one post wonders. 

Admittedly I'm trying to avoid thinking about having to update the site. Which is silly since I refused to let it go because I'd be mad if a movie or show was made and MW wasn't around for it. Careful what you wish for. 🙃 

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This place is alive? Wow. Now I'm feeling sentimental. Glad everyone's doing well!

Hey, I'm on Discord! We should make a server, yes! Also, hello. I am alive.

Yes it was all Whitty, all the time. 🧐

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Mwahaha I love everyone’s nonsensical thoughts along with logical ones. Thanks for the well wishes, I’m used to it and fine but I like to state disclaimers sometimes. 😛 

Today I bought an 80’s windbreaker and it’s neon. :siuandance: Also... an Elmo sweater I will be decorating with embroidered flames. Ehhhhh or at least a pin of flames. Something. 

evil on fire GIF

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