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Hell, I'd do anything for a chance of oosquai.

Emily Blunt would be a great Siuan! I always like Claire Forlani for her as well. And I would say she was pretty: " She was nearly a hand taller than Moiraine and was pretty, if not quite beautif

Also I have new suggestions for Moiraine (I may be a member of a WoT casting group on facebook now cos y'know I'm still cool and all that😉) Janet Montgomery or Sarah Greene

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I guess they could. It might be better just to get a smallish actress.


Kate just looks so tough. ;P I always hoped a Momo actress would be tough but only in a surprising way.


I think that Audrey is 5'3. I hadn't thought of her before I read an article where she was saying she would like to play a role that wasn't always so sweet because her personality didn't really fit how she looks. So, I looked at pics online of her not in that Amelie movie or anything and thought she could fit the part, because she was from France, too.


Rachel is very big, yes, but I just think of her because she looks like the comic. I guess I like her for Mo because she seems very strange.

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I do think a short actress would be better, but there are few of those in the movie world. So if there had to be a taller actress, I would prefer Kate over Rachel.


I saw Kate in Underworld Evolution and she was so Momo-esque it was great. Up until then I hadn't really thought she would be good as Moiraine.

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I agree with Kaitlin.


I think Kate Beckinsale is more of a physical type. She looks great running around with guns and swords kicking monster ass, but that's not who Moiraine is.


Moiraine is an observer, a manipulator.She is at her best when she sits back and controls a situation or a character. Moiraine wears dignified silk dresses, not leather outfits or unlaced blouses and boots. I just don't see Kate Beckinsale as her.

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I liked Kate because of her presentation, not so much what roles she has or wardrobe. Moiraine has run around killing Forsaken and shadowspawn, and frankly, if a movie were made that's what they would show: Not her sitting back being all "I am the queen of the Game!"


I think Rachel is also a good actress, but watching Kate recently I realized I could forget her height and actually pretend she was Moiraine. With Rachel...she just does not look like Moiraine to me.


Fact is, unless Moiraine Damodred magically becomes real there is no way everyone would be statisfied with one actress to play her. Which is why I vote for animation and voice acting! I'd still like Kate's voice better than Rachel's.

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Yes, Kate's is more dignified.


I already said it, but I'll say again.. I want an actress with a french accent to play Momo! ;P Or, someone with a very curled and flowing way of speaking, if that makes sense. I can't picture Mo's face too well, but her voice is more important anyhow. The actress/voice actress whatever will have to be able to do cold extremely well, and not sound silly at all when she's playing her angry. It's got to be powerful.


I just thought of something! If it were animated they could get an older staged trained actress to voice Mo! That way they would have had time to really work on their voices. Helen Mirren or somebody would be good, even if she is British sounding. (Isabelle Huppert, too!) ;P

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I know voices are always far more difficult to think up in my opinion


Iv got another actress that could play moiraine, shes the right height this time, although I still prefer Kate287567371.jpg Its Anna Friel

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