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What are you reading? II

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Started reading World War Z by Max Brooks, its good but its making me want to prepare for an imminant zombie apocalypse .

wheel of time 😏

Still haven't read King of Scars yet...lol I think I'm subconsciously waiting because there is no more currently after lol But I did just buy Shadow of the Fox by Juila Kagawa...so that'll be aft

Yeah, the Landover series. Really liked book 1, but it went a little downhill. Even though I know people who love the Shannara books.


Oh, I'm going to start on Neil Gaiman's comics/graphic novels, whatever.

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Kari (a graphic novel; Amruta Patil)


Oh, I have to brag about this... This is my first autographed book, and when I went to Amruta Patil and introduce myself and get it signed, she said, "I know who you are." (We were at a literary festival.) :D

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Oh, I have to brag about this... This is my first autographed book, and when I went to Amruta Patil and introduce myself and get it signed, she said, "I know who you are." (We were at a literary festival.)

Your fame has changed you! I don't even recongnize you anymore. :(


Seriously though, thats wonderful! :razz:

I've been meaning to buy that book of yours but I am always reluctant to buying stuff over the interwebs. Having to wait for stuff. PLAHF!

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