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Towers of Midnight Thread [Merged]

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I'm hoping she comes back normal too. If she's overly powerful she might not be the same Moiraine.   They better not make it a cliffhanger.

I hear there is some good stuff with Perrin but I fear that I won't be reading it for a while. This will be the first book I read back to front. Will Egwene or Elayne marry them? Or maybe Wise Ones? Who of Moiraine's female relatives can Thom "fight" through who aren't pregnant. *is just being silly right now*


:touched: I have glee about this.


We need more Mo/Thom gifs. :razz:

Edited by ~Romanda~
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:smit: Hmm, did Sanderson pimp Thom? Since he hunkified Bryne I kind of remember him improving on Thom's descriptions a bit. RJ just couldn't describe the older guys as other than gross.


And the other Damodred:



Faile challenges Berelain to a fight to the death over Perrin. After bluffing, and Berelain falling for it, she tells Berelain to squash the rumors of Perrin and Berelain. Berelain says that they need to become friends and they discuss Berelain going after someone else. When she sees Galad, she is totally in love as is he.


I had hoped for at least a few small complications, but it seems Galad/Berelain is yet another of those "love at first sight" stories and will probably lack a lot in detail. OK I'm glad it happens at least ^_^ Just thinking of it, it's no wonder they're attracted to each other since they look a lot alike and both are beautiful. Also, good for Galad that he finally focuses on someone who won't just sit in some corner and smooth her skirts, sighing over him while not once picking up on his invitations.


Galad: Let's go for a romantic walk in the garden!

Egwene: Hmmmmmm? *Dreamy looks but does nothing*


Galad: Let's have a romantic picnic!

Berelain: Yes, let's do i... that. *Puts on even sexier dress and brings wine*



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About the Damodred who has also stolen Moiraine's face (not Caraline this time):


I like the idea of Galad/Berelain. He is so innocent and clueless sometimes and Berelain is the opposite. A Mayener and a Cairhienin! I have no idea if that is the correct spelling.


But yes, it's another one of those suddenly in love moments. It's like WWII where everyone was just like, "There is war, let's make babby I luv u." Which makes sense I guess. :P



There is a trial for Perrin about the Whitecloaks deaths earlier in the series and Morgase is asked to judge the trial. Galad recognizes her. I'm interested in Galad's reaction once he realizes his mother is alive.


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How absolutely thick is Mat? He's surprised by their romantic intentions? After Thom mooning after her for the past 3 books?



Yes, Mat seems a little slow on the uptake. You'd think the "My dearest Thom" stuff would have been enough of a clue.

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Okay, I have to admit the first Elayne chapter made me LOL. :elayne: I can understand why some people don't like her, but I think she's hilarious at times, and Sanderson seems to have upped that aspect of her, especially the pregnancy-bitching and the tendency to stomp on objects that frustrate her.


Dyelin didn't seem pleased. Well, she could go suck on a goat's foot, for all Elayne cared.

Upon reading that, a few other choice lines, and Mat's letter, many lulz were had. :lolt:


Although that letter was still rather un-Mat. Just because he doesn't like to read or write doesn't mean he's a barely literate yokel who can't spell. He wrote a perfectly coherent letter to Nyn and El in ACoS.

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Maybe Mat was drunk when he wrote the letter to Elayne. Er. I admit I haven't gotten to that part yet. All I want is for there to be more Moiraine. :elayne:


But the goat's foot thing? It is priceless. Oh, I half forgive her for Cairhien. :P It's not actually her fault.

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