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Towers of Midnight Thread [Merged]

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I'm hoping she comes back normal too. If she's overly powerful she might not be the same Moiraine.   They better not make it a cliffhanger.

About the Whitecloaks:



I knew before that they are a bunch of corrupt idiots, but during the trolloc attack I realized the full extent of it. These people have been running around in the safer parts of the world, harassing random persons they thought were darkfriends, while not at all trying to fight real Shadowspawn. Galad got their morale all up for fighting in the Last Battle, but they were totally unprepared for the DO's forces. It's horrible and sad at the same time.


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I know we've already discussed this but oh I just read where Graendal narrowly escapes Rands FORCE OF LIGHT moment! SOoooooooooooo cool. It's funny how overtime she's evolved into perhaps my favorite among the Forsaken. Ironic as to my namesake but each of the Forsaken have a special place on some level or another.


All so evil and freaky but Graendal is a survivor. And I was really quite thrown off by her offscreen killing last year.... It just seemed too neat. Of course she got away! Love it!

Edited by Asmodean82
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What was with all the cursing in this book? :wha: And I mean literal "cursing". Seriously, go to one of the action scenes and count how many times you see phrases like "Cursing, he raised his bow..." or "She saw the body and cursed".


For Mat or Elayne or even Siuan this is understandable, but why would the gholam or the bloodknives or Slayer bother cursing so much while they fight, or Egwene? Egwene is almost as prudish as Nynaeve; she should not be cursing that often. And I don't remember Perrin being such a sailor-mouth either. :nono:


(Offtopic: Welcome back, Asmo!)

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